Friday, May 21, 2010

Countryside for the Weekend

Today was really exciting! A friend of the families is hosting a girl from Holland. Her name is Japke and she is 19. I went over to her house today and we hung out this morning. She is very nice to talk to and we want to do a lot of the same things while we are being hosted. We plan to go the museums together, explore Padova. She wants to go to Venice and the sea and I can't wait to visit those places either. It's great that I met someone who I can hang out with during the morning time while the children are at school.
Japke and I walked around the palazzo today, went to a book store because I have now finished two books since arriving, went shopping and ate lunch. Here are some pictures from lunch!

We are going to the countryside this weekend. The house is in Belgrano, which is about a hour and half away from Padova. I will take lots of notes and pictures for everyone to see.
Talk to you when I get back on Sunday!


  1. Stephy--your blog looks so professional. I assume you took most of the photos?? All sounds SO great. Glad you have someone to hang out with.

    Ciao! Ruth

  2. Love to read your blog about Padova and the au-pair adventures!

    Say hello to Japke for me!


    mom of Japke
